The purpose of this blog is to put my journey as an apologist into a format that could be helpful to others who may happen across this site.
I have been a Christian all my life, I went to Christian schools, and I’ve always accepted the teachings of the bible as truth. I never really thought too much about other religions and if they were true in fact, I was very pluralistic in my thoughts about other religions. Someone made the comment once that getting to heaven is like getting to the center of a city, there are many paths but all of them will get you there, and that was pretty much how I rationalized the existence of other religions.
When I got to college, I had a friend who told me he was an atheist he did not believe in Jesus nor did he believe in the bible. When I tried to rationalize with him, why he should believe in Jesus and I found that I had no evidence for what I believed. It bothered me that I couldn’t rationalize it to him, but it never actually shook my own faith, and looking for more answers didn’t cross my mind.
After I left college spirituality wasn’t high up on my list of things to do, but I was constantly a believer. The first time I had real trouble with my faith was when I saw the movie Zeitgeist and it went through all the different religions that were “the same” as Christianity. I had no way of responding to this movie, and I didn’t know where to look, and I was not enough of a researcher to find the information for myself. Needless to say the role of God played less and less of a part in my life though I was still convinced that what the bible said was true. Everything it teaches, was truth and I had trouble believing that that was a lie.
As time went on I started going back to church, and the holy spirit was convicting me about the way I was living my life and I moved back onto the path of being a Christian though an imperfect one. Even still being back on the Christian path I was not an evidential Christian and evidence was not even on the radar as far as a reason to believe in God. I began to think about Christianity differently when I had my first conversation with my father about him being an agnostic. My mother had told me that he was agnostic, but I never talked to him about it, and he never shared his beliefs with me. The conversation started when he told me that he wasn’t doing very well, and I asked him if he prayed about it. He then told me that he didn’t believe in God. When I asked him why, he told me that there is too much evil in the world for there to be a God in existence, also there was no evidence for God that he could see.
I had a lot of trouble responding to him, so I began to look for answers. I told him that God is real and he is true and I accepted his challenge to find evidence for his existence. So I began looking and researching ever since. I’ve found sufficient reasons to believe that God exists and that The Christian God is true.
The first issue I will tackle in this blog is the problem of evil it’s probably one of the most difficult challenges we face as Christians, but also coincidentally one of the strongest evidences FOR the existence of a God.
Until then think, learn and prepare yourself to answer questions about the God you love.
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2 days ago
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